Investment Potential for 1947 E Yalecrest Ave
Long-Term Rental Income
Rental Income
Gross Rental
$46,200 per year($3,850 per month)
Net Operating Income
Cap Rate
Occupancy Rate
95%in 84108 zip code
Owners & Occupancy for 1947 E Yalecrest Ave
This property is owned by Amy R Waltman. Owner contact information includes 1 phone number and 1 email address.
Property Owners
Amy R Waltman, age **
Cell Phone | (801) ***-**** |
Residence | ****************** |
Distance from Property | ********** |
Email Address | ********** |
Sam R Waltman, age **
Cell Phone | (801) ***-**** |
Residence | ****************** |
Distance from Property | ********** |
Email Address | ************* |
Property Ownership Information
Purchase Date | June 28, 2016 |
Current Occupancy | *****View Occupancy |
Resident 1 | ************* age 40 |
Resident 2 | ************* age 45 |
Property Details for 1947 E Yalecrest Ave
Property Details
Property condition, age, exterior, etc. for 1947 E Yal…
Longitude: -111.834976 Latitude: 40.747118 Parcel Number (APN): 16-09-430-017-0000…
Mortgage originated on through lender: UNKNOWN for$*******View Mortgage Details
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Market Benchmarks
Compare data for 1947 E Yalecrest Ave in Salt Lake County to the median in the neighborhood area and surrounding markets, where available.
View neighborhood benchmarks Property
Home Value
5-Year Forecast
Year Built
-52 years
Living Space
5,098 sq ft
2,319 sq ft
2779 (120%)
$ Per Living Sq Ft
Lot Size
9,148 sq ft
10,019 sq ft
-871 (-9%)
$ Per Lot Sq Ft
Long-Term Rental
Long-Term Rental
Annual Revenue
$9,600 (26%)
Cap Rate
Home Value Comparison: Property vs. Local and Regional 6-Bed Single Family Home Medians