Investment Potential for 910 Carnelian Cir
Property Appreciation
Property Appreciation
Long-Term Rental Income
Rental Income
Gross Rental
$44,400 per year($3,700 per month)
Net Operating Income
Cap Rate
Occupancy Rate
26%in 96140 zip code
Owners & Occupancy for 910 Carnelian Cir
No contact information is available.
Current Occupancy | ******View Occupancy |
Property Details for 910 Carnelian Cir
Property Details
Property condition, age, exterior, etc. for 910 Carnel…
Longitude: -120.098084 Latitude: 39.211424 Parcel Number (APN): 092-031-012-000…
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Market Benchmarks
Compare data for 910 Carnelian Cir in Placer County to the median in the zip code area and surrounding markets, where available.
View zip code benchmarks Property
Home Value
5-Year Forecast
Year Built
20 years
Living Space
2,204 sq ft
1,518 sq ft
686 (45%)
$ Per Living Sq Ft
Lot Size
10,434 sq ft
7,020 sq ft
3414 (49%)
$ Per Lot Sq Ft
Long-Term Rental
Long-Term Rental
Annual Revenue
-$1,200 (-3%)
Cap Rate
Home Value Comparison: Property vs. Local and Regional 3-Bed Single Family Home Medians