This property valuation is based on proprietary algorithms utilizing publicly available market data. Whitepages’ Property Value is NOT an appraisal and should not be used in place of one. Learn More.
Median Home Value in Yuba Gardens
neighborhood valuation
This neighborhood valuation is an estimate based on proprietary algorithms utilizing publicly available market data. It is not an appraisal and is subject to change at any time. Learn More.
4% below property
Median Home Value in 95961
market valuation
This market valuation is an estimate based on proprietary algorithms utilizing publicly available market data. It is not an appraisal and is subject to change at any time. Learn More.
14% above property
Investment Intelligence
investment intelligence
Summaries are generated by an AI model trained on Whitepages' property data. AI may make mistakes or provide inaccurate or incomplete information. Always cross-reference AI-generated content with other reliable sources. Learn More.
5597 Feather River Blvd is in the Yuba Gardens neighborhood of Olivehurst, CA. It is located in Yuba County and ZIP code 95961. This Single Family Home was built in 1992 and is approximately 33 years old. The single family home spans 1204 sq ft with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and sits on a 10121 sq ft lot. According to public records, it was last sold in 2008 for $102,000. The Yuba Gardens area of Olivehurst has 362 residential homes. Analyze and compare real estate investment strategies for properties like this home at 5597 Feather River Blvd Olivehurst, CA 95961 with Property Intel by Whitepages.
Investment Potential for 5597 Feather River Blvd
The property has a current estimated value of $265,818, which is 4% above the neighborhood median, based on public records. It last sold on October 13, 2008 for $102K. Projected long-term
rental income
rental income
This estimate is computed using a proprietary model. It is a starting point in determining the potential rental income for a property. Learn More.
is $44,400 annually ($3,700 per month) with a 95% occupancy rate.
Property Appreciation
property appreciation
This appreciation forecast is based on proprietary algorithms utilizing publicly available historical market data. Appreciated property values are inherently uncertain and actual appreciation of a property can differ materially for a wide variety of reasons. Learn More.
Last Sale Amount
Sold October 13, 2008
Est. Current Value
property value
This property valuation is based on proprietary algorithms utilizing publicly available market data. Whitepages’ Property Value is NOT an appraisal and should not be used in place of one. Learn More.
($253K - $278K)
4% above neighborhood median
5-Year Forecast
5-year appreciation
This is an estimate of the appreciated property value by year over the next 5 years, based on proprietary algorithms and historical market data. Actual appreciation of a property can differ materially for a variety of reasons. Learn More.
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Recommended Properties in Yuba Gardens
Discover more single family homes near 5597 Feather River Blvd in Olivehurst, California.
Get property details like ownership length, owner age, and occupancy status to help you find the best real estate opportunities in this neighborhood.
This property valuation is based on proprietary algorithms utilizing publicly available market data. Whitepages’ Property Value is NOT an appraisal and should not be used in place of one. Learn More.
$10,998 (4%)
-$377,694 (-59%)
5-Year Forecast
5-year appreciation
This is an estimate of the appreciated property value by year over the next 5 years, based on proprietary algorithms and historical market data. Actual appreciation of a property can differ materially for a variety of reasons. Learn More.