Compare Investment Properties

Search and compare properties side-by-side to uncover which opportunity is the best fit for your investment strategy.

Owner and Occupancy

Understand the occupancy status of properties, including whether they are owner-occupied, tenant-occupied, or vacant. Determining and comparing occupancy can help identify properties with the potential to generate higher
or acquisition.
  • Owner-occupied: The owner likely resides at the property.
  • Tenant-occupied: The property is likely a rental.
  • Vacant: The property is likely unoccupied.


Estimated monthly and annual income generated from renting the property to long-term tenants. Discover the
potential for different properties and see how they compare to one another and others in the local area.


Property Value is a market-driven estimate of what a property could be worth today if it were on the market.
Appreciation Forecast is an estimate of how much a property will appreciate over the next 5-years based on the current property value, present-day market factors and historical market trends.
While neither the property value nor the Appreciation Forecast are appraisals, together they are good starting points for assessing a property's potential return-on-investment.

Market Benchmarks

Compare up to four investment properties against median data for the neighborhood or surrounding areas. Reviewing statistics across neighborhoods, ZIP codes, cities, or states, over time, can help identify growth opportunities or declining markets.